Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Anti-police Nut

Two times in as many weeks my lunch break has been tainted by the anti-police rantings of some crazy lady who has decided to make my favorite lunchtime hangout her favorite lunchtime hangout. I am a regular at this local establishment, am friends with the owner, and know most of the other regular customers. They all know I'll soon be starting the police academy and are almost as excited as I am, so it's a frequent topic of conversation. Anyway two weeks ago crazy bipolar lady shows up out of the blue, and after listening to our conversation for a few minutes pipes up and tells me, "you are too normal to work for the Sheriff's Department". I look at her somewhat bewildered, and say, "thanks, I think". She then goes on about how the local Sheriff's Department is supposedly full of crazies, and other mentally disturbed individuals. I look at her as if she's nuts, and go back to talking to my friends. I thought that would be the end of it, sure enough I was wrong. She showed up again last week, and proceeded to go off on the Sheriff's Department again. Something about Deputies accepting "sexual favors" in exchange for letting female motorists go without a citation, and "you don't want to work there. Why not Highway Patrol, they're paid more" (not true) blah blah blah.... Finally I look this moron in the eye and say, "I'm sorry you've had a bad experience with the Sheriff's Department. If you have a legitimate complaint with evidence to back up your case then please contact someone at the Sheriff's Department with it. I've not yet started working for them, and quite honestly I don't think you know what you're talking about. Now please let me enjoy my meal without bashing the organization I am going to work for". A look of disbelief from her, and then she says, in a huff facial expression changing to anger and disgust, "you'll fit right in with the rest of them there".


At 4:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm currently taking the Seattle Police test. I've passed the physical and written tests, and my oral board is on the 5th of December. As a side note I'm from Utah, that's what brought me to your blog. Good luck with everything!

At 5:53 PM, Blogger Brent said...

Just wait until you have the uniform on. Then every loony within sight will be bothering you. The uniform attracts nut-jobs like moths to a light. I've got too many good stories to share here.


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